Thursday, September 21, 2017

Halloween-themed BWG Meeting Is Oct. 17; Submission Deadline Oct. 10

The next meeting of the Brno Writers Group will be on Tuesday, Oct. 17 at Café Falk at 6:30 p.m.

At least one member has promised to get something with a bit of length and structure to us by the submission deadline of Oct. 10. There is room for at least one more longer, more structured piece upon which we could concentrate; please send a note if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity.

The rest of the members who plan to attend are encouraged to exercise their writing muscles and submit a less-than-1000-word piece that addresses the writing prompt: “The Curse of the ___________” The ghost-story theme fits with the forthcoming Halloween holiday and the curse aspect is inspired by a story discussed during the last meeting. Writing prompts are meant to be quick practice writing; they need not be an actual story or a complete scene. A simple paragraph with a new style with which you want to experiment or a description you want to workshop would be perfect. Please try to finish and submit the writing prompts to by Oct. 10.

At the risk of being a nag, I will send out a reminder on Oct. 3.

Of course, as always, anyone is welcome to request the materials and join the meeting.

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